Cloud Foundry | Iserver Admin
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09Jun 2017




Cloud Foundry

Let us Read for you.
Cloud Foundry is not like other cloud computing platforms, which are tied to a  particular cloud provider. It is a stand-alone software package which can easily deploy on AWS and even you can yourself host it on your own Open stack server. Moreover, through helion or VMware’s Sphere.
To enjoy the benefits of cloud foundry completely you should clear about just what exactly cloud computing platform is? Following are the three major categories of
Cloud Computing:
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), like AWS and Microsoft Azure, which provides only a base infrastructure, leaving the end user responsible for platform and environment configuration necessary to deploy applications.
  • Software as a Service (SaaS) like Gmail or
Platform as a Service (PaaS), reduces the development overhead (environment configuration) by providing a ready-to-use platform.
Since it’s easy to become a bit confused when thinking about cloud platforms, it’s important to be able to visualize exactly which elements of the computing ecosystem is whose responsibilities. While there is no precise definition, it’s reasonable to say that a platform requires only that you take care of your applications.
With that in mind, the platform layer should be able to provide:
Suitable environment to run an application.
Life-cycle management application
Self-healing capacity.
Centralized management of applications.
Distributed environment.
Easy integration.
Easy maintenance (upgrades, etc.)
What is Cloud Foundry?
It is an open source cloud computing platform which can be developed in-house at VMware. Pivotal software owned it in a joint venture made up of VMware, EMC, and General Electric.
Cloud Foundry is optimized to deliver…
  • Fast application development and deployment.
  • Scalable and available architecture.
  • DevOps-friendly workflows.
  • Reduced chance of human error.
  • Multi-tenant compute efficiencies.
It can not only handle the application’s resource management and also lighten developer workloads and also greatly reduce the overhead load of the operations team. Its architectural structure includes components and a high-enough level of interoperability to permit following:
  • Integration with development tools.
  • Application deployment.
  • Application lifecycle management.
  • Integration with various cloud providers.
  • Application Execution.
It supports a number of frameworks and languages like Java, Js, GO, PHP and much more but not all.
Key benefits of Cloud Foundry:
  • Application portability.


Application auto-scaling.


Centralized platform administration.


Centralized logging.


Dynamic routing.


Health management application
  • Integration with external logging components like Elasticsearch and Logstash.
  • Role-based access for deploying applications.
  • Provision for vertical and horizontal scaling.
  • Infrastructure security.
  • Support for various IaaS providers.

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