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11May 2019




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In today’s time, it is very common for a business to have an online recognition through the website — simply because more and more people are searching the web to find products and services. However, all websites are not equal. Google is now marking sites that do not encrypt data exchanges as ‘Not Secure.’ No business wants this since such a label will likely deter people from visiting the website.

“What is SSL?”

SSL is an encryption technology that protects information as it moves to and from a website. This includes private details such as:

Bank or credit card numbers
User IDs and login details
Email addresses
Aadhaar and PAN card numbers

When the information is encrypted, it is unreadable to anyone other than you and your customer. This keeps the growing number of online thieves from stealing the customers’ private details.

Visitors to your website can easily see if it has SSL encryption by looking at their browser bar. A website with SSL protection will show a padlock and the word ‘Secure.’ This prominent security is the indicator to show the customers your site and business is legitimate and safe.

When customers are sharing personal information such as their name, address, email and banking details on your website means they putting full faith to your website to keep their data protected. This information must be protected so it doesn’t fall into the hands of cybercriminals. Data theft is rampant in Australia as elsewhere.
Websites with SSL protection will get a better search ranking on Google. They are regarded as safe and trusted, while websites without SSL are not listed in search rankings.

To avoid the “Not Secure” warning, all websites, regardless of whether they are just blogs, online brochures, or eCommerce sites must have trusted an SSL certificate. You can get all the server and cloud storage services at one place and at a very reasonable price.

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