7 Facts about Amazon Web Services and AWS | Iserver Admin
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05Aug 2019




7 Facts about Amazon Web Services

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 7 Facts  about  Amazon Web Services and AWS


Firstly, let’s talk about what is it?

7 Facts  about  Amazon Web Services and AWS

Cloud Computing-  It is the base through which the network of the remote servers hosted on the internet to manage, store and process data rather than a personal computer and local servers. Perhaps, 90% of IT and other companies adopted the cloud to run their business.  The cloud computing grows from$40 billion to $241 Billion in the coming 10 years.
AWS is just like an

                                           “Icing on the Cake”

  1. Amazon web services are a cloud computing platform offered by amazon- a wide system of pay as you go data centers that provide the infrastructure to deal world Wide Web.
  2. The fact that AWS dominates cloud computing still not known for nearly 2/3 of people. AWS is officially launched in 2006. Around 1/3 of people visit the websites powered by the cloud daily.
  3. 27% Cloud Infrastructure As A Service sector (Iaas) in the Market Share is covered by AWS. 7% By IBM and 10% of Microsoft.
  4. Amazon has more than one million customers, including 600 government agencies worldwide.
  5. One of the largest companies like Reddit, Netflix, NASA, and Expedia run their applications on AWS.
  6. AWS platform powers hundreds and thousands of businesses in 190 countries with data centers in 11 regions across the world.
  7. In 2015, 25% of Amazon Web Services Infrastructure use renewable energies
 Each minute, on average, consumers watch 7 million online videos, buy $222,000 worth of goods from Amazon, and ask Siri 100,000 questions, on average, according to recent research from Domo.
           To get more information about the AWS services, Stay tuned with us!

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