How Much Should You Pay For Server Management? | Iserver Admin
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How Much Should You Pay For Server Management?

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How Much Should You Pay For Server Management?

The management of a server (server management services) ranges from $6 to $100’s,  knowing what to pay is a little bit difficult. As, if you are going to compare between them all the providers look alike. Some of the comprehensive  services in the server management includes:

  • Nss witch hardening
  • Host. conf hardening
  • Chkrootkit
  • Rkhunter
  • Firewall tuning

This is what exactly is the problem as you need to be a system admin to understand these wide range of services. It always happens that you copied the long list of services  and ask for the price!

This behavior points to the underlying problem:

Lack of knowledge about the services of server management compromises your ability to take a decision to buy the services.

If you cannot evaluate what you are buying, then how do you know what to pay?

You don’t!

Need not worry, as today’s market is not that messy as it was in the past.

Three basic types of server management companies are there:

1.) Breaking Down Provider Types

By focussing on some of the factors like the service delivery approach and breadth of services, there are three server management provider categories:

  • Budget
  • Managed Services
  • Enterprise

During the process where all the  providers delivering some type of server managed, their approach differs in one significant aspect:

Who make the decisions?

If you are not an IT expert, you may be dawdling to make main IT decisions such as when or what security updates to be appropriate.

With resources server management companies, judgment often falls to you. You have to choose what to do and when to do it. In contrast, service providers often handle everything. They evaluate your needs and help you arrange and maintain your entire IT environment. In between funds and endeavor, you come across managed service providers. These groups usually focus on one aspect of your operations and handle everything.

Comparing Provider Types

There are different types of providers if we analyze them by focussing on some of the key differences. You can match those factors with your company’s requirement as to what these server management companies offer. On the other hand, hiring a vendor does not meet the goals of your business but somewhere adds little value.

If your business lacks the time or expertise, a budget provider may do less. In fact, the wrong provider may be more of a hassle than a help.


Budget providers require you to be in control. Their services are often neither broad or programmed. They are best suited for companies who have enough inner expertise to make important server management decisions. They are great if you know how but don’t have the time. They can save you money with most providers charging less than $100/mo.

Managed Service Providers

Managed service handles the IT decision making for you. They decide when and how to complete backups, updates and security maintenance for you. Sure,  they keep you in the loop, services – often with predictable pricing. Fees vary widely depending on the completeness of services, but most providers charge between $200-500/month.

Which Provider is Right for Me?

I will dig into this more later, but there’s three questions to think about:

  • Do I have the time?
  • Do I have the expertise?
  • Does the provider help me keep my promises to my users, visitors or customers?

If you answer no, to either of the first two questions, then most budget providers will not deliver what you need.

The last question is more complex, but a good server management provider. It helps you to  reduce risks by strengthening your weak point. Through this strength, you can then seize opportunities, but more on that later.


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